Being And Doing “Pay Forward” # 5

I greet The Indwelling Presence.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Being And Doing.  Within each of us is a created Higher self, in the image and likeness of our Loving Creator.  Practicing the spiritual principles embodied in the Three Legacies of Alcoholic Anonymous, Recovery, Unity, Service awakens us to our Higher Self.  First the involution of love, our true nature, and then the unfolding evolution of the love we are.  Too often our personal “reality” has hid our loving Higher-self under layers of fear, resentments and many forms of negative illusions.  Our prayers, meditations, affirmations and contemplations increase our chances to do and be who we are, if we put our awakening into practice.  We could read a thousand cookbooks and starve to death.  We have to eat the meals we prepare and are prepared for us.  Each time we “Pay Forward,” pass on the gift we receive that gift of love multiplies.  These daily “Pay Forward” gifts are intended to be shared from the heart to another heart.  It only flows from our head and not our heart or soul, and the value of the gift suffers, our willingness is enough.  Doing our meditation, in the depths of our silence, stillness, let us ask our Higher Self to reveal them.  “Pay Forward” is offering you a daily gift of love to pass on, in doing so your love and my love will increase.  We can be assured that all we truly need is already given, so let them come out and play.  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.        
