One Will - His “Pay Forward” Gift # 210

I Greet The Indwelling Lover.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is - One Will – His.  Father, I see Your Presence with my eyes of faith.  I am as you created me, Your son and a loving brother to all.  That means I am to practice the commandment, to love our Father with all my heart, mind, and strength and to love all my brothers and sister as I love myself.  I realize that’s to do, to be our Father’s Will; joining my will with His Will, as one.  Our personal “reality” is the directive power, determining our character.  When we will our Father’s Will to be done we are building a loving Spiritual character, and awakening our true self; loves awakening.  Desiring our Father’s Will to be done is a good beginning, however, we need to take the action shown us and express His Will in this body, and in this world.  Come let us link our will with our Father’s Will, in order to express the love we are.  Let us practice A.A.’s Spiritual Principles in all our affairs; clearly our Father’s Will.  Let’s plant this affirmation seed, “I am devoted, dedicated and committed to do and to be Thy Will, Thy Love Father, consciously known or unknown.”  “We have ceased fighting anything or anyone.”  At each beginning, ask “What would Love do?”  “Always do right.  This will gratify some people and astonish the rest” (Mark Twain).  Thy Love, Thy Will be done. 
