I greet The Indwelling Divine Will.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Who’s Will is being done? We can get very close to the kingdom of heaven by doing good works and committing to “a workable plan of action.” However, we will never enter into and abide in the divine harmony, and loving peace we long for. It is very important that we surrender all of our made up personal “reality.” A.A. reminds us that, “Half measures availed us nothing.” Our will; the executive power of our mind is at the root of our self-centeredness. The result of living the spiritual principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, our worse defects can be transformed into enlightened self-interest. “Not my will, but thine, be done.” Linking our will with our Creator’s Will (I choose to call our Father), we no longer have to count on ourselves or another human, alone and unaided, as our Source. Our commitment to daily practice a few simple ideas, freely given us, will open the way Home. Our Father’s Love and Will become our potential; our heart’s desire and we realize we are outer expressions of His grace. The hard thing about commitments isn’t making them. It’s following through. The Spirit of Truth, breathes into us continually the necessary inspiration and knowledge to express a loving purposeful life. In other words the use of our individually divine design enables us to make a good difference. We will surely receive the Promises on pages 83 -84 of Alcoholics Anonymous. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.