What About The Past? “Pay Forward”  #141

I Greet The Indwelling Present.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – What About The Past? The only thing that concerns me about the past is my judgment of it.  If I own it and surrender it to our Father, He can teach me what it was for, changing my judgment of it and upgrading it into an asset.  Let us honor His good works and accept His loving mercy and grace.  To hold on to our old judgment is to dishonor the present.  So what if we fail again, in what seems to be the same way?   It means that we are stuck in an illusion; which are lies we made up or went along with an old judgment.  Every moment everything we do, say, think, feel, or experience at any level changes us a tiny bit.  You are not the same as you were when we began reading this, nor am I when I first wrote it.  My perception about judgment of the past has changed a tiny bit.  I am willing to surrender it once again, qualifies me for the latest upgrade.  Accepting old judgments is a sign of lazy thinking, and a lack of trust in our Father’s willingness and ability to make all things new.  For our part, we can choose once again and be willing to accept His Will, His mercy, His love, His grace and His plan for each of us.  Alcoholics Anonymous gives us what we need to do just that.  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.      
