How Does Your Garden Grow? ”Pay Forward” # 36

I greet The Indwelling Gardener.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is - How Does Your Garden Grow?  I was told by my family about my early gardening.  When I was about six years old I planted the bone from a T-Bone steak and to my disappointment it did not produce what I was hoping for.  Until I came into A.A. I planted a lot of “T-bones” that did not produce a desired result.  Living Alcoholics Anonymous’ spiritual principles I’ve become an effective gardener.  The human body is the outer expression of our Creator’s individually divine design.  Like a garden, our consciousness, is given to us to keep and to trim.   Our job is to use our creative power to preserve it in union  with our Father’s Love and Will; to grow vine ripe fruit, in due season.  The Garden is the spiritual body in which we as humans dwell when we bring forth thoughts after the pattern of the original divine ideas.    The gift of free-will is embodied in our silent invisible thoughts, which we incorporate into our conscious union with our Father.  Useful faculties of mind, called by many names, comes as standard equipment: faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, law, zeal and unity.  We can always call on the Master Gardener; that indwelling Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience.  “The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering” Ben Okri.  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
