Love Part Three “Pay Forward” Gift # 243

I greet The Indwelling Father Expressing Love.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Love Part Three.  We are sharing these loves as affirmations, which we hope you choose to pass them on as a “Pay Forward” gift. I live in a conscious state of Humility as I have the gift of knowing that You, Father, are my/our only True Source.  Each time I share, I put a seal upon my lips and go back into the shade, and say nothing about it.  I wait for the next gift to receive and share. I am but a channel, an agent of Your Will, Father.  I express Courtesy love in little things, thoughtful things; with a gentle heart filled with Your loving Grace, Father, expressing love at all levels, with all beings, in conscious union with Your Will, Father.  I am Unselfish out of enlightened self-interest.  By giving of myself, I truly am a master receiver.  I give but little when I give of my possessions.  It is when I give of my-Self/self I truly give.  Having asked our Higher Power for guidance, note how we experience every-day acts of love.  What about making a list of your everyday Blue-Collar loves.  Check out the workshop The Six Loves – it’s a free download as all the workbooks and workshop papers.  Perhaps you could use some of these ideas as “Pay Forward” gifts.   Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
