Extraordinary Love “Pay Forward” Gift # 198

I Greet The Indwelling Extraordinary.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Extraordinary Love. By the grace of our Father awaken within me as I practice the spiritual principles of Alcoholic Anonymous I have my ordinary life running over with an abundance love. By applying the Traditions daily in all my relationships has taught me to give of myself freely.  Sometimes I have to unselfishly do something for the relationship, because it is more important than having my way. My fulfillment, love, joy and forgiveness come through my sharing and joining with others in our common welfare. I need only to give what I already have to experience the joy of life. To think that I must be spectacular in my sharing, caused me withhold my love. I trust in our Father to give me all I need to share the love I am; my fulfillment is a side effect, and that love flows back to me. If I waited until I can share only unconditional love, most likely it would never happen. I need to share what I have because it does have real value.  I to give to more instead of a few. I am reminded that I have chosen the road less traveled. Now I am willing to do whatever it takes.  Come let us take this loving serendipity journey together, trusting our Father to guide us. I ask our Father to use me; as a beloved lover loving, sharing a little extraordinary love. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
