Tending To A.As’ Orchard “Pay Forward”   92

      I greet The Indwelling Gardner.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Tending To A.As’ Orchard. Some of Alcoholics Anonymous’ fruits are always in season, ripe for the picking. We have a wonderful set of gardening tools to tend to our orchard.  We dismantled our illusions that our human labor is enough.  We plant God-seed in His enriched ground.  A few of our workers gather grapes from our vineyard and go off into a far country, and make wine out of our table grapes. They will be more than welcome to come back, like the Prodigal Son. Let’s share some of our fruit.  Joy is a sense of well-being, contingent on our daily Spiritual condition.  Peace is a pervasive sense of contentment, coming from being rooted in our Father’s Love and Will.  We are fully aware of our weakness.  Meekness is freedom from the negative energy, resentments or outbursts of anger and fear. Faithfulness is our daily commitment to practice Alcoholics Anonymous’ principles in all our affairs.  Gentleness is a participation in our Father’s way of doing things; gentle but firm, and living Alcoholics Anonymous’ code, “love and tolerance.”  Goodness, is affirming of our Father’s Will as always having a purpose.  Patience is confidence in our Father’s unwavering supply of all we need to carry out the purpose He gave us.  Self-control is an awareness of our Father’s Presence, within each of His creatures.  Service is accepting the daily opportunities to pass on the fruits we gather from our Father’s Orchard. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
