Inspired Reading “Pay Forward” # 362


I greet The Indwelling Reality.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Inspired Reading. Why pray and meditate? A bank robber was asked why he robbed banks. He replied, because that’s where the money is at. Why pray and meditate? That’s where the Power is. My Spiritual hero Father Thomas Keating said something like the following. Prayer and meditate is the world in which our personal "reality," self-made worlds come to an end; a new world appears within and around us, and the impossible becomes an everyday experience. However, the world that prayer and meditate reveals is barely noticeable to the ordinary course of events. My experience tells me that I must be awakened in His Presence to offset my powerlessness. Prayers and meditations allow me to stop the useless chatter, to look for the Solution with the eyes of faith and listen for my marching orders throughout the day. I am reminded the food I ate is being transformed into everything we call life, by an infinite intelligence beyond my understanding, but not my experience. I know we have an invisible silent means of support 24/7, in Which we live, move and have our being. Shall we allow ourselves to accept His Love and His Will? Just for a few moments lay aside our burdens and false responsibilities, letting go of all fear and uncertainty. Nothing can be excluded from our Fathers’ omnipresence, no matter what our little personal "reality," tells us. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
